My new “Production” CETUS2 is assembled and fully operational. The “old” prototype is retired for now. No idea what I am going to do with”her”.

I received the printer Christmas eve, so assembly was delayed until 12/26/22.

 Assembly of the new printer was easy for me as I have prior experience without instructions on #1. There is a tiny picture guide and a duplicate in PDF on the printer SD card. Just follow the pictures.  The tiny black flat cable was the hardest to install. There is a very tiny latch and the drawing shows the inserting of the cable in what appeared to me, the wrong direction. There should be no twist. Shiny contact edge down.

With my “PN” disease, my fingers are not sensitive and it was hard to feel proper seating of the cable. I got it right as all is working well.  There is a spare cable in a round container so this may be an anticipated problem area. There are similar cable latches used in the original (small) CETUS on its’ accessory board. These latches are not familiar for many folks.

The glass build platform is nice. Most PLA prints won’t need glue. I use hairspray when required. Five bed clips came with my machine but the glass has markings for seven (7) clips. Only five are needed. Two in back and one on each remaining side. The glass position markings for the clips are sure to cause some consternation with a few folks. Will see how CETUS handles this… :)

I then performed the initialize and the height calibration from the front panel. Initialize is required on every cold start. Height calibration is stored between sessions and is not required on a regular basis. The height calibration is at least 2X faster than my prototype. Nice.

First print was the “STUMP” from the SD card. So I knew all was well with the printer set-up. However, I had problems with printing my own files from UP Studio3 I have been using with the prototype CETUS2.

My prototype had no wifi. This new one does, and network configuration is straight forward adding password to the printer. One needs to use a hex wrench for typing as the keyboard is quite tiny. NO big deal as keyboard is not needed for constant use,

I reloaded an entire new (but same version) of UPS3 and Wand from CETUS2 website and on the site noticed a new and never seen before CETUS2 printer config file. Dated 12/26/22.  This new config is required. 

My first prints with the original slicer config produced only a single line on the extream left edge of the build platform. With the new files, the prints shown in the picture were produced and I even tried the new “short code” that worked well.

I don’t want to become an official spokesperson for the CETUS2 and how to use it . That’s for JASON and crew to manage. There is much to learn with this new style printer. I hope we all settle down from the new toy excitement and manage the experience and learning in a mature and understanding way. 

This is a new product for TIERTIME CETUS and for every new user. I have seen many wrong assumptions from both CETUS and investors. Not my job to solve customer issues, but I do report my findings to CETUS team in hopes of helping smooth the bumps.

CETUS2 is a very rugged and capable. The new nozzle is its big feature, but there are many small details that are unique to this machine. I have almost a year’s experience with the prototype, so I have a unique understanding of its strengths and weaknesses. Kickstarter gets folks involved before the product IS a product. A few steps that go in the wrong direction are going to occur. 

I am completely satisfied with the new machine and know there is room for changes and improvements as the product matures. 

For now I am just going to enjoy two color printing! :)


I was "stumped" at first. But this supplied file (on SD card) printed fust fine. Filament is supplied with new printer.

My own designs printed well using same (supplied) filament. Just had to update my printer config file.