Mt production version of CETUS2 died suddenly is the middle of a long print. Dead stop in mid-stroke. My new baby CETUS2 has SIDs! (Sudden Infant Death)
After several email exchanges with Jason Wu and Fannie Zhang at CETUS2 (Tiertime) support, (Yeah, Jason finally has visible help) it was determined to be the controller mother board. Apparently my failure was not the first.
But I had to endure the curse of the Lunar New Year China workforce shutdown. I was eventually given a tracking number for the replacement MB and all seemed well. False security.
I eventually received the delivery notice and the “How did we do?” score me. email. (When is the world going to get past this customer satisfaction ritual?)
Well, the score is ZERO. Fannie told me the tracking information said I received and signed for the delivery. Uh… not in my world.
I did some investigation and discovered the address for the tracking number was in Auburndale Florida, 1,096 miles away from Dallas, Tx. Oops! Did more internet research and there is another “ME” living a few miles from the delivery address (delivery could be his work place). Perhaps another CETUS2 owner with my name who happily accepted the new mother board.
So after another set of emails including graphic evidence where Auburndale Florida was located in the USA, I received a new tracking number. A few days later I received the replacement board. It looks EXACTLY like the original board. Jason told me there was a “weakness” in one of the mosfets so they “doubled” up. No visible evidence, which really doesn’t mean anything… But it may actually be the original board.
I installed the board, and my CETUS2 “baby” came back alive! Yep definitely was the problem.
I have run the new board for about 20 hours of print time. All is well so far. I hope the repair is permanent.
BTW, Cetus Tiertime support (Jason and Fannie) and I are not at odds with each other. It’s a new product and shi… er, stuff happens. For me it’s just a hobby and I have time. I don’t enjoy the complications but I can totally understand the reasons.
The proof is they are willing to replace my original pre-production CETUS2, whose firmware and control system have been made obsolete by changes in internal CETUS2 hardware and OS software and changes in UP Studio3 for the current CETUS2. WOW! Great customer satisfaction!
Now, how to use two CETUS2 printers. Double the fun?
Here are some pictures "below deck" of the CETUS2. The controller MB is center right. The user interface MB is right bottom. I replaced the CONTROLLER Main Board